Monday, August 24, 2020

Throwing Knives- A Beginner's Guide About These Amazing Knives

Those who don’t know, the word “throwing knives” sounds a little scary and unreasonable. Like why would there be some knife that is made to throw on people? Well, your concern is valid, but that is not what a throwing knife is about.

But, it is a weapon that was once used to throw on people during wars and battlefields. But that was like a thousand years ago. Now, this weapon is used in a throwing knives sport and it is played almost all around the globe. 

It is an art to learn how to throw knives and it is quite exciting and thrilling for some people. There are several people obsessed with this art and they think of this as their hobby. If you want some compelling reasons to buy a throwing knife, here are some that might be enough for you: 

1. It Is A Part Of History 

It is a fact that the person who is a knife buff, he will also be a history buff. People still love history and they are eager to learn more and more about it.

As far as the art of throwing knives is concerned, well, it goes back to prehistoric times. There is a very interesting history behind this weapon. These knives and some of such other devices were used by the Native Americans and the African tribes during battles. 

2. You Can Always Make It Competitive  

There are proper competitions organized all around the world that include knife throwing. There are two ways you can opt for this hobby.

First is if you want to blow off some steam by going down in your backyard and throwing a knife at some target that you made up, or if you wish to take this sport to another level, you can take part in the competitions that are held all around the world.

It is an exciting sport that does require a lot of motivation. 

3. It Can Be Extremely Sociable 

There is another reason why you should invest your time in this game and that reason is that it is quite sociable.

Whether you are taking part in a competition or if you are just playing in your backyard, you can end up making some friends, and interacting with them can lead to a well-spent time. 

What Are The Main Types Of Throwing Knives? 

The interesting thing about these knives is that there is not just one type, but there are several types of these knives. 

Before you start looking for the best knife, it is important that you learn the basics of it and know the kind that you should be opting for. 

1. Blade-Heavy Throwing Knife

This type of knife comes with a heavier blade. Just as the name explains, a blade heavy knife will have a lightweight handle but the blade will be a little heavy.

We’d recommend you use this type especially if you are a beginner. In the beginning, you need to use the knife that is easier to learn to throw right at the target with which is why you should opt for this one. 

2. Handle-Heavy Throwing Knife

Next comes the knife that has a heavy handle. With this knife, you will have to throw in a position that the handle goes first so that the blade goes straight in the target.

The one thing you should know about this knife is that the beginners might have a little hard time learning it. They’d need some real-time practice before they start throwing the knife in the right direction. 

3. Balanced Throwing Knife

Next is the balanced throwing knife. It comes with an equally weighing blade and equally weight handle.

The center of gravity of this knife is right in the middle which means that you can throw it from either side and it won’t make a difference. If you are good with your aim, the knife will hit exactly where it is supposed to. 

Some Tips To Get Better With Throwing Knives:

If you want to get better with throwing knives, the only main thing you are supposed to do is to practice as much as you can.

The fact is that it doesn’t matter which type of knife you are buying and it doesn’t matter how much money you are spending on it. If you want to be the best with the most accurate target, practice is the only solution for you. 

The Final Words:

In this article, we have discussed almost everything that you should know about throwing knives.

So, start looking for a quality throwing knife from a reputable seller online, buy it now, and practice with it to get better with the sport.

Read Also: How To Choose The Best Survival Knife?